DragonVale Fanlore Wiki
Meadow Dragon
Elements: Plant
Type: Hybrid
Rarity: Ubiquitous
Form: Quadruped Dracon
Diet: Omnivore
DDLA Rank:
While the witch Eliyse was researching the home of the clover dragons, a mischievous meadow dragon was playfully lying in wait and sprang upon the unsuspecting passerby. The wizards are currently uncertain if the growth on their backs is a natural part of the dragon, or the result of patiently waiting for people to play with.
    —Nogard's description of the Meadow Dragon in The Book of Dragons

The Meadow Dragon is a hybrid dragon of the Plant and Light elements. It's main element is Plant.





These herbivorous and well-camouflaged dragons do not need weapons.


It uses its camouflage.

Other Abilities[]

There appears to be no practical purpose to this, but these dragons have the ability to make themselves sparkle and glimmer even when not in direct sunlight.

Breath Weapon[]

Much like most plant dragons, its breath can make plants grow.


One stray fire ball can set its back on fire and kill it on the spot.




Preferred Home[]

Meadow Dragons prefer the locations of their namesake, meadows, or most other open grassy areas close to forests. They may also live towards the very edge of temperate forests and woods, but never in the centre.


Nests are built out of long grasses and twigs in a similar manner to birds. During the winter or if the dragon lives in a forest they live in dens that they dig into the earth.


Meadow Dragons eat a mix of low hanging fruits and leafy plants, but do also eat insects such as worms and other ants.


Behavior and Personality[]

Meadow Dragons are naturally very playful and mischievous creatures, always looking for some other creature to play with. They are also very eager to please, but can get over excited easily. They are also surprisingly incredibly patient, being able to wait for hours on end to surprise someone or for something to happen.

Social Order[]

Meadow Dragons live in small family groups usually consisting of parents and any offspring. It's not uncommon for two or three family units to live close to each other as a larger colony.

Relationship to Wizards[]

Meadow dragons love playing with wizards, especially sneaking up on them like surprise dragons do.

Life Cycle[]


During the summer solstice every year, dozens of young adult Meadow Dragons gather at sunset for a massive gathering. Both male and female dragons spend time playing in a massive game, trying to find the other dragon they like best. Then the males attempt to impress with a dance and showing off their foliage. If they are accepted, the dragons all pair off and then wander away to establish their home.


Eggs are laid a relatively short time after mating, and are placed in a freshly made nest or den, close to sunlight, which strengthens the shell for the entirety of the incubation period.


Baby Meadow Dragons are kept in close range to their parents, but are allowed to tumble and play around a small area. They are very clumsy, so they need to have an eye kept on them at almost all times.


They are taught how to forage and camouflage by their parents. They also are given more room to explore and play tricks on their own. Just before adulthood, they leave their parents to find a mate and a place to live on their own.


Adult Meadow Dragons first find a mate, then they establish a place to live on their own. They often make treks to visit their parents or grandparents if they have any.

Life Span[]

Meadow Dragons have a maximum lifespan of around 70 years.




Origin of Name[]




Notable Dragons[]


Plant Element Dragons


Plant Dragon


Poison Dragon - Flower Dragon - Tree Dragon - Moss Dragon - Evergreen Dragon - Lichen Dragon - Cactus Dragon - Ash Dragon - Swamp Dragon - Seaweed Dragon - Pollen Dragon - Willow Dragon - Ironwood Dragon - Malachite Dragon - Meadow Dragon - Luminous Dragon - Fungus Dragon - Nightshade Dragon

Golden Hybrids

Pepper Dragon - Forest Dragon - Conifer Dragon - Ivy Dragon - Thistle Dragon - Orchid Dragon - Thorn Dragon - Bramble Dragon

Light Element Dragons


Light Dragon


Meadow Dragon - Luminous Dragon - Ember Dragon - Heat Dragon - Sand Dragon - Glass Dragon - Phantom Dragon - Glare Dragon - Flash Dragon - Gamma Dragon - Lotus Dragon - Shimmer Dragon - Wind Dragon - Hypnotic Dragon - Palladium Dragon - Radiant Dragon - Mirage Dragon - Shadow Dragon

Golden Hybrids

Plains Dragon - Lagoon Dragon - Nectar Dragon - Halo Dragon - Mirror Dragon
